Let’s talk about approaching dogs we don’t know!
It is common place for people to stroke or approach dogs they do not know because, let’s face it, dogs are cute!
But we must never touch a dog without the owner’s permission!
Some dogs are not a fan of physical attention or strangers. This means you could make the dog feel uncomfortable. An uncomfortable dog could look away, try to move, or even show teeth, growl, or bite!
Many times I have seen people approach a dog so quickly that their owner has not even had time to react in such a way as to ask for space.
If you did this and the dog tried to snap at you, you need to recognise that the dog is not at fault. You entered the dog’s personal space in such a manner that it may not have been able to give you the subtle signs of discomfort. Even the most friendly dogs can become aggravated when a stranger enters their personal space and touches them.
You probably wouldn’t like a total stranger to come over to you and touch or cuddle you, so please understand some dogs don’t want that either!
Always ask permission before approaching or touching someone’s dog.
If you have a dog, be their advocate! If you can see they are uncomfortable with someone, ask that person to give your dog space.
